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The Independence of Quine's Axioms *200 and *201.. J. Symb. Log., 6 (3): 96-97 (1941)Generalization of a Lemma of G. F. Rose., , и . J. Symb. Log., 23 (2): 137-138 (1958)Income Inequality and the Informal Economy in Transition Economies, , и . Journal of Comparative Economics, 28 (1): 156--171 (марта 2000)Dynamics of emergent urban hierarchy. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 4 (4): 553--561 (апреля 1994)A global model of OECD aggregate supply and demand using vector autoregressive techniques, , и . European Economic Review, 32 (9): 1711--1729 (ноября 1988)The Axiom of Infinity in Quine's New Foundations.. J. Symb. Log., 17 (4): 238-242 (1952)Rigorous computation and the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function., , и . IFIP Congress (1), стр. 70-76. (1968)A reconsideration of the role of discontinuity in regional economic models. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 18 (3): 451--462 (октября 2003)Endogenous chaotic dynamics in transitional economies, и . Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 7 (12): 2189--2197 (декабря 1996)Gödel Theorems for Non-Constructive Logics.. J. Symb. Log., 2 (3): 129-137 (1937)