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The Design and Performance of a Pluggable Protocols Framework for CORBA Middleware.

, , , , and . Protocols for High-Speed Networks, volume 158 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 81-98. Kluwer, (1999)

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The open network laboratory: a resource for networking research and education., , , , , and . Comput. Commun. Rev., 35 (5): 75-78 (2005)The Design and Performance of a Pluggable Protocols Framework for Real-Time Distributed Object Computing Middleware., , , , and . Middleware, volume 1795 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 372-395. Springer, (2000)Developing next-generation distributed applications with QoS-enabled DPE middleware., , , and . IEEE Commun. Mag., 38 (10): 112-123 (2000)Bringing studio quality video-conferences to wide area IP networks with an adaptation layer translator (ALX)., , , and . ICME (1), page 29-32. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)The open network laboratory., , , , , and . SIGCSE, page 107-111. ACM, (2006)The Design and Performance of a Pluggable Protocols Framework for CORBA Middleware., , , , and . Protocols for High-Speed Networks, volume 158 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 81-98. Kluwer, (1999)The Design and Performance of a Real-Time I/O Subsystem., , and . IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium, page 154-163. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)A remotely accessible network processor-based router for network experimentation., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). ANCS, page 20-29. ACM, (2008)Evaluating Policies and Mechanisms for Supporting Embedded, Real-Time Applications with CORBA 3.0., , , , , , and . IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium, page 188-197. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Network Access in a Diversified Internet., , and . Networking, volume 4479 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1204-1207. Springer, (2007)