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DaMoN 19: The 15th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware., and . SIGMOD Conference, page 2070-2071. ACM, (2019)Experimental Study of Memory Allocation for High-Performance Query Processing., , and . ADMS@VLDB, page 1-9. (2019)Ein Datenbankserver für ein Planungsunterstützungssystem.. BTW, volume 270 of Informatik-Fachberichte, page 462-468. Springer, (1991)Spread of Terbinafine-Resistant Trichophyton mentagrophytes Type VIII (India) in Germany- "The Tip of the Iceberg?", , , , , , , , , and 32 other author(s). Journal of Fungi, 6 (4): 207 (October 2020)Every Row Counts: Combining Sketches and Sampling for Accurate Group-By Result Estimates., and . CIDR,, (2019)Closing the Gap between Theory and Practice in Query Optimization.. PODS Companion, page 4. ACM, (2024)The Seattle Report on Database Research., , , , , , , , , and 23 other author(s). SIGMOD Rec., 48 (4): 44-53 (2019)ML2SQL - Compiling a Declarative Machine Learning Language to SQL and Python., , , , , and . EDBT, page 562-565., (2019)The Power of SQL Lambda Functions., , , , , , and . EDBT, page 534-537., (2019)A Practical Approach to Groupjoin and Nested Aggregates., and . Proc. VLDB Endow., 14 (11): 2383-2396 (2021)