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Line-segment vectorization on high-resolution satellite images., , и . IGARSS, стр. 457-459. IEEE, (2010)Generating "Cloud free" and "Cloud-Shadow free" mosaic for SPOT panchromatic images., , и . IGARSS, стр. 2480-2482. IEEE, (2002)Retrieval of subpixel fire temperature and fire area in Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer., , , и . IGARSS, стр. 3205-3207. IEEE, (2002)Persistent scatterer InSAR for ground deformation mapping using ALOS PALSAR data: A case study in Singapore., , и . IGARSS, стр. 441-444. IEEE, (2014)3D building reconstruction and visualization for single high resolution satellite image., и . IGARSS, стр. 5009-5012. IEEE, (2007)Land cover classification of very high spatial resolution satelite imagery., , , и . IGARSS, стр. 2685-2687. IEEE, (2013)Enhancing Building Detection in Satellite Imagery: Integrating Segment Anything Model's Output as An Additional Channel., , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 7098-7101. IEEE, (2024)Post-launch radiometric calibration of TeLEOS-1 satellite imaging sensor., , и . IGARSS, стр. 4692-4694. IEEE, (2017)Quantification of land cover change and its impact on hydro-geomorphic processes in the Upper Yangtze using multi-temporal Landsat imagery: an example of the Minjiang area., , , и . IGARSS, стр. 1216-1218. IEEE, (2002)Monitoring Turbidity and Suspended Sediment Concentration of Coastal and Inland Waters using Satellite Data., , и . IGARSS (2), стр. 837-839. IEEE, (2009)