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Statistically-driven 3D fiber reconstruction and denoising from multi-slice cardiac DTI using a Markov random field model, , , , и . Med Image Anal, (2016)An algorithm for the segmentation of highly abnormal hearts using a generic statistical shape model, , , , , , и . IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 35 (3): 845--859 (2016)A High-Resolution Atlas and Statistical Model of the Human Heart From Multislice CT, , , , , , , и . Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on, 32 (1): 28-44 (2013)Left-ventricular epi- and endocardium extraction from 3D ultrasound images using an automatically constructed 3D ASM, , , , , , и . Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Eng Imaging Vis, 4 (5): 265--280 (2016)A framework for optimal kernel-based manifold embedding of medical image data, , , , и . Comput Med Imaging Graph, (2015)Estimation of trabecular bone parameters in children from multisequence MRI using texture-based regression, , , , , , и . Med Phys, 43 (6): 3071 (2016)Statistical estimation of femur micro-architecture using optimal shape and density predictors, , , , , и . J Biomech, 48 (4): 598--603 (2015)A predictive model of vertebral trabecular anisotropy from ex vivo micro-CT, , , , , , и . IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 34 (8): 1747--59 (2015)Patient-specific biomechanical modeling of bone strength using statistically-derived fabric tensors, , , , , , и . Ann Biomed Eng, 44 (1): 234--246 (2016)Core Stratification Effects on Natural-Convection in Inclined Cavities, и . Appl.\\ sci.\\ Res., 42 (2): 109--130 (1985)