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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Conformance Relations and Test Derivation., , und . Protocol Test Systems, Volume C-19 von IFIP Transactions, Seite 157-178. North-Holland, (1993)Methods for Designing SIP Features in SDL with Fewer Feature Interactions., und . FIW, Seite 59-76. IOS Press, (2003)On the Distributed Implementation of LOTOS., , und . FORTE, Seite 133-146. North-Holland, (1989)Protocol Synthesis for Real-Time Applications., , und . FORTE, Volume 156 von IFIP Conference Proceedings, Seite 417-433. Kluwer, (1999)Hierarchical Inter-Domain Management for Networks with Condo-Switches.. Communication Systems and Applications, Seite 190-196. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2005)Specification Languages for Communication Protocols.. CHDL, Volume A-32 von IFIP Transactions, Seite 379-396. North-Holland, (1993)Decomposing Service Definition in Predicate/Transition-Nets for Designing Distributed Systems., , und . FORTE, Volume 2767 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 399-414. Springer, (2003)Formal specifications design, evolution and reuse., und . CASCON, Seite 184-193. IBM, (1993)Using URL shorteners to compare phishing and malware attacks., , , , und . eCrime, Seite 1-13. IEEE, (2018)Synchronization in Distributed System Modules.. Berkeley Workshop, Seite 322-339. Technical Information Department, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley CA, (1978)