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LEADER: Low Overhead Rank Attack Detection for Securing RPL based IoT., , и . COMSNETS, стр. 429-437. IEEE, (2021)A Low-cost Real-time IoT based Air Pollution Monitoring using LoRa., , и . ANTS, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Recent Trends on Privacy-Preserving Technologies under Standardization at the IETF., , и . Comput. Commun. Rev., 53 (2): 22-30 (апреля 2023)SACRIFICE: A Secure Road Condition Monitoring Scheme over Fog-based VANETs., , и . COMSNETS, стр. 464-472. IEEE, (2022)LEADER: Low Overhead Rank Attack Detection for Securing RPL based IoT., , и . CoRR, (2020)Evaluating DNS Resiliency with Truncation, Fragmentation and DoTCP Fallback., , , , и . IFIP Networking, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2023)Web Privacy By Design: Evaluating Cross-layer Interactions of QUIC, DNS and H/3., , , , и . IFIP Networking, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2023)On Cross-Layer Interactions of QUIC, Encrypted DNS and HTTP/3: Design, Evaluation, and Dataset., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Netw. Serv. Manag., 21 (3): 2992-3007 (июня 2024)An Efficient and Secure Directed Diffusion in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks., , и . FICN@MOBICOM, стр. 41-46. ACM, (2018)End to end secure anonymous communication for secure directed diffusion in IoT., , и . ICDCN, стр. 445-450. ACM, (2019)