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On the Changing Role of Enterprise Architecture in Decentralized Environments: State of the Art.

, , , and . EDOC Workshops, page 310-318. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)

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Requirements for IT Governance in Organizations Experiencing Decentralization., , and . CAiSE Forum (Selected Extended Papers), volume 204 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, page 269-285. Springer, (2014)On the Changing Role of Enterprise Architecture in Decentralized Environments: State of the Art., , , and . EDOC Workshops, page 310-318. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)IT Governance in Organizations Facing Decentralization - Case Study in Higher Education., , and . CAiSE (Forum/Doctoral Consortium), volume 1164 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 129-136., (2014)Challenges of EA Methodologies Facing Progressive Decentralization in Modern Organizations., , and . PoEM (Short Papers), volume 1023 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 18-28., (2013)