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Modelling Darwin in the Pi-Caculus., , и . Dagstuhl Seminar on Distributed Systems, том 938 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 133-152. Springer, (1994)High coverage testing of Haskell programs., , и . ISSTA, стр. 375-385. ACM, (2011)Finding the needle: stack traces for GHC., , и . Haskell, стр. 129-140. ACM, (2009)REGIS-DARWIN specified in the π-calculus., , и . CDS, стр. 213. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Higher-order type-level programming in Haskell., , , и . Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 3 (ICFP): 102:1-102:26 (2019)Formal underpinnings of Java.. OOPSLA Addendum, ACM, (1998)LEXIS: An EXam Invigilation System (Awarded Best Applied Paper!)., и . LISA, стр. 199-210. USENIX, (2001)Verification of Policy-Based Self-Managed Cell Interactions Using Alloy., , , и . POLICY, стр. 37-40. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Ephemeral Java Source Code., и . FTDCS, стр. 9-14. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Strengthening the Zipper., и . LDTA, том 253 из Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, стр. 3-18. Elsevier, (2009)