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Quality Assurance Technologies of Big Data Applications: A Systematic Literature Review., , и . CoRR, (2020)Agile4MLS - Leveraging Agile Practices for Developing Machine Learning-Enabled Systems: An Industrial Experience., , , и . IEEE Softw., 39 (6): 43-50 (2022)Welcome to the WISE track., и . ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, стр. 469. ACM, (2007)Real-time Emergency Response through Performant IoT Architectures., , , , и . ISCRAM, ISCRAM Association, (2019)When industry meets Education 4.0: What do Computer Science companies need from Higher Education?, , , , , , , и . TEEM, стр. 367-372. ACM, (2021)On the Social Dimensions of Architectural Decisions., , и . ECSA, том 9278 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 137-145. Springer, (2015)PyDaQu: Python Data Quality Code Generation Based on Data Architecture., , и . MoDELS (Companion), стр. 60-64. IEEE, (2023)Human behaviour centered design: developing a software system for cultural heritage., , и . ICSE-SEIS, стр. 85-94. ACM, (2020)On the Use of Component-Based Principles and Practices for Architecting Cyber-Physical Systems., , , и . CBSE, стр. 23-32. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Automated Check of Architectural Models Consistency Using SPIN., , и . ASE, стр. 346-349. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)