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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

TRAILS: Extending TOSCA NFV profiles for liability management in the Cloud-to-IoT continuum., , , , und . NetSoft, Seite 321-329. IEEE, (2022)Experimental studies of a graphical authentication system based on semantic categorisation., , , , , und . IHM, Seite 134-143. ACM, (2016)Challenges for Continuous, Provable Security Service Level Agreement Management in Computing Continuum., , , , und . IEEE Access, (2024)Demonstrating Liability and Trust Metrics for Multi-Actor, Dynamic Edge and Cloud Microservices., , , , , , , und . MobiCom, Seite 115:1-115:3. ACM, (2023)Security and Resilience in 5G: Current Challenges and Future Directions., , und . TrustCom/BigDataSE/ICESS, Seite 1010-1015. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Internet of Things: A Definition & Taxonomy., , , , und . NGMAST, Seite 72-77. IEEE, (2015)On end-to-end approach for slice isolation in 5G networks. Fundamental challenges., , , , , , , und . FedCSIS, Volume 11 von Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Seite 783-792. (2017)A Security Architecture for 5G Networks., , , , , , , , , und 5 andere Autor(en). IEEE Access, (2018)Security Constraints for Placement of Latency Sensitive 5G MEC Applications., , , , , , und . FiCloud, Seite 40-45. IEEE, (2022)Liability-Aware Security Management for 5G., , , , , , und . 5G World Forum, Seite 133-138. IEEE, (2020)