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Anytime dynamic programming for coalition structure generation., and . AAMAS, page 1411-1412. IFAAMAS, (2010)Constant factor approximation algorithms for coalition structure generation, and . Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 23 (1): 1--17 (July 2011)Communication complexity of approximating voting rules., and . AAMAS, page 593-602. IFAAMAS, (2012)Coalition formation algorithm taxonomy, and . Vanderbilt University, Nashville, (2010)Theory and algorithms for coalition formation among heterogeneous agents, and . Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenessee, (2009)Approximate Coalition Structure Generation., and . AAAI, page 854-859. AAAI Press, (2010)Infrastructure Hardening: A Competitive Coevolutionary Methodology Inspired by Neo-Darwinian Arms Races., , and . COMPSAC (1), page 101-104. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Randomized coalition structure generation., and . Artif. Intell., 175 (16-17): 2061-2074 (2011)A simultaneous descending auction for task allocation., , and . SMC, page 379-384. IEEE, (2014)Coalition formation for task allocation: Theory and algorithms, and . Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 22 (2): 225--248 (2011)