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Universal approximation with quadratic deep networks., , и . Neural Networks, (2020)X-ray fan-beam luminescence tomography., и . ISBI, стр. 1164-1167. IEEE, (2014)12 Ways to Empower: Designing for Children's Digital Autonomy., , , и . CHI, стр. 91:1-91:27. ACM, (2023)Towards Replay-resilient RFID Authentication., , , , , , и . MobiCom, стр. 385-399. ACM, (2018)Poster: Combating Multipaths to Enable RFID Sensing in Practical Environments., , , и . MobiCom, стр. 588-590. ACM, (2017)Ping-Pong: Musically Discovering Locations., , и . NIME, стр. 273-276., (2014)Yeah, ChucK It! => Dynamic, Controllable Interface Mapping., , , и . NIME, стр. 196-199. University of British Columbia, Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Center (MAGIC), (2005)Two Turntables and a Mobile Phone., и . NIME, стр. 179-184., (2011)MadPad: A Crowdsourcing System for Audiovisual Sampling., и . NIME, стр. 185-190., (2011)X-Ray Phase-Contrast Imaging with Three 2D Gratings., , и . Int. J. Biomedical Imaging, (2008)