Author of the publication

Effects Of Information Technology On Feedback Seeking.

, , , and . ICIS, page 165-175. Association for Information Systems, (1991)

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The effect of group interaction processes on performance in time series extrapolation, and . International Journal of Forecasting, 7 (2): 141--149 (August 1991)Turning over versus turning away of information systems professionals., , and . ICIS, page 470-471. Association for Information Systems, (1997)Braking IS's Revolving Door: A Study of Internal Labor Market Practices and IS Turnover., and . ICIS, page 40. Association for Information Systems, (1996)The Adoption of TradeNet by the Trading Community: An Empirical Analysis., , and . ICIS, page 159-174. Association for Information Systems, (1994)Examining the role of general and firm-specific human capital in predicting IT professionals' turnover behaviors., , and . CPR, page 120-122. ACM, (2006)Toward conceptual clarity of outsourcing.. Business Process Re-Engineering, volume A-54 of IFIP Transactions, page 113-126. Elsevier, (1994)Identifying the prototypical career paths of IT professionals: a sequence and cluster analysis., , and . CPR, page 94-96. ACM, (2005)Returns to human capital for information technology professionals., and . CPR, page 143-146. ACM, (2003)Turnover of Information Technology Professionals: A Narrative Review, Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling, and Model Development., , , and . MIS Q., 31 (3): 547-577 (2007)Threat of Professional Obsolescence and Mobility Intentions: The Mediating Role of Coping Strategies., and . AMCIS, page 527. Association for Information Systems, (2010)