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Multi-Aperture Space-Time Transmit and Receive Design for MIMO Radar., , и . IEEE Signal Process. Lett., (2021)SR-HetGNN: session-based recommendation with heterogeneous graph neural network., , , , , , и . Knowl. Inf. Syst., 66 (2): 1111-1134 (февраля 2024)Neck Strength and Endurance and Associated Personal and Work-Related Factors., , , , и . Hum. Factors, 64 (6): 1013-1026 (2022)Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Bearing Capacity of Circumferential Joint of New Spatial Steel Tubular Grid Arch in Mined Tunnel., , , , и . Symmetry, 12 (12): 2065 (2020)HobPre: accurate prediction of human oral bioavailability for small molecules., , , , , , и . J. Cheminformatics, 14 (1): 1 (2022)Frame interpolation scheme using inertia motion prediction., , , и . Signal Process. Image Commun., 18 (3): 221-229 (2003)SRCB at SemEval-2023 Task 1: Prompt Based and Cross-Modal Retrieval Enhanced Visual Word Sense Disambiguation., , , , и . SemEval@ACL, стр. 439-446. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2023)EPI-based Oriented Relation Networks for Light Field Depth Estimation., , , , и . BMVC, BMVA Press, (2020)CIRS: A Confidence Interval Radius Slope Method for Time Series Points Based on Unsupervised Learning., , , , , , , , и . ICPCSEE (1), том 1628 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 310-325. Springer, (2022)Semi-Supervised Learning Based on Cataract Classification and Grading., , , и . COMPSAC Workshops, стр. 641-646. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)978-1-4673-8845-0.