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Analysis of a noise canceling LNA using a Si2 OpenAccess based tool - CADIT., , , и . MIXDES, стр. 464-469. IEEE, (2015)Single-stage amplifiers with gain enhancement and improved energy-efficiency employing voltage-combiners., , , , и . VLSI-SoC, стр. 19-22. IEEE, (2013)Optimum Sizing and Compensation of Two-Stage CMOS Amplifiers Based On a Time-Domain Approach., , , и . ICECS, стр. 533-536. IEEE, (2006)Automatic Flat-Level Circuit Generation with Genetic Algorithms., , и . DoCEIS, том 577 из IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, стр. 101-108. Springer, (2020)The design of an audio power amplifier as a class project for undergraduate students., , и . ISCAS, стр. 2565-2568. IEEE, (2013)Automatic design of high-order SC filter circuits., , и . ISCAS, стр. 1937-1940. IEEE, (2015)Analysis of a noise canceling LNA using a Si2 OpenAccess based tool - CADIT., , , и . MIXDES, стр. 464-469. IEEE, (2015)Optimization of multi-stage amplifiers in deep-submicron CMOS using a distributed/parallel genetic algorithm., , , , и . ISCAS, стр. 724-727. IEEE, (2008)Gain enhancement and input parasitic capacitance reduction of single-stage OTAs by using differential voltage combiners., , , , и . MIXDES, стр. 247-250. IEEE, (2013)A top-down optimization methodology for SC filter circuit design., , и . ISCAS, стр. 1672-1675. IEEE, (2014)