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Semantic scheduling of active measurements for meeting network monitoring objectives., , и . CNSM, стр. 435-438. IEEE, (2010)PCA-based network-wide correlated anomaly event detection and diagnosis., , , и . DRCN, стр. 149-156. IEEE, (2015)Fuzzy-Engineered Multi-Cloud Resource Brokering for Data-intensive Applications., , , и . CCGRID, стр. 257-266. IEEE, (2021)Fuzzy-Based Conversational Recommender for Data-intensive Science Gateway Applications., , , , , , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 4870-4875. IEEE, (2018)LIDAR-based virtual environment study for disaster response scenarios., , , , , и . IM, стр. 790-793. IEEE, (2015)Data-intensive Workflow Execution using Distributed Compute Resources., , и . ICNP, стр. 1-2. IEEE, (2019)Ontology-Based Semantic Priority Scheduling for Multi-domain Active Measurements., , , и . J. Netw. Syst. Manag., 22 (3): 331-365 (2014)Discovering last-matching rules in popular open-source and commercial firewalls., , , , и . Int. J. Internet Protoc. Technol., 5 (1/2): 23-31 (2010)vSocial: a cloud-based system for social virtual reality learning environment applications in special education., , , , , , и . Multim. Tools Appl., 80 (11): 16827-16856 (2021)Knowledge Graph-based Embedding for Connecting Scholars in Academic Social Networks., , , , и . DSAA, стр. 1-10. IEEE, (2023)