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Other publications of authors with the same name

Proving Correctness of Transformation Functions in Collaborative Editing Systems, , , and . Journal of CSCW (Submitted), (2006)Development of Transformation Functions Assisted by Theorem Prover, , , and . The Fourth International Workshop on Collaborative Editing, ACM CSCW 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, (November 2002)Proving correctness of transformation functions in collaborative editing systems, , , and . RR-5795. INRIA, (December 2005)Gender Inference for Facebook Picture Owners., , and . TrustBus, volume 11711 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 145-160. Springer, (2019)Spécification et analyse d'un protocole de contrôle d'accès optimiste pour éditeurs collaboratifs répartis., , , and . Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf., 19 (6): 9-32 (2014)Un Modèle Générique de Garbage Collection pour les Eéditeurs Collaboratifs Basé sur l'Approche TO dans les environnements P2P et mobiles., , and . CIIA, volume 825 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2011)DeSCal - Decentralized Shared Calendar for P2P and Ad-Hoc Networks., , and . ISPDC, page 223-231. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Private Approximate Query over Horizontal Data Federation., and . EDBT, page 132-144., (2025)Edition collaborative sur réseau pair-à-pair à large échelle, and . CDUR 2005: Journées Francophones sur la Cohérence des Données en Univers Réparti, CNAM, Paris, (November 2005)To reveal or not to reveal: balancing user-centric social benefit and privacy in online social networks., and . SAC, page 1157-1164. ACM, (2018)