Author of the publication

Middleware for Pervasive Spaces: Balancing Privacy and Utility.

, , , , and . Middleware, volume 5896 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 247-267. Springer, (2009)

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CCD: Efficient Customized Content Dissemination in Distributed Publish/Subscribe., , , and . Middleware, volume 5896 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 62-82. Springer, (2009)CloudProtect: Managing Data Privacy in Cloud Applications., , , , and . IEEE CLOUD, page 303-310. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Processing Spatial-Keyword (SK) Queries in Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) Systems., , , and . SSDBM, page 16. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Indexing Encrypted Documents for Supporting Efficient Keyword Search., , , and . Secure Data Management, volume 7482 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 93-110. Springer, (2012)A Privacy-Preserving Index for Range Queries., , and . VLDB, page 720-731. Morgan Kaufmann, (2004)Indexing text data under space constraints., , , and . CIKM, page 198-207. ACM, (2004)Building Disclosure Risk Aware Query Optimizers for Relational Databases., , , and . Proc. VLDB Endow., 3 (1): 13-24 (2010)Flexible Anonymization For Privacy Preserving Data Publishing: A Systematic Search Based Approach., , and . SDM, page 497-502. SIAM, (2007)Subscription Subsumption Evaluation for Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems., , , and . Middleware, volume 5346 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 62-81. Springer, (2008)Design and Implementation of a Middleware for Sentient Spaces., , , , , , , and . ISI, page 137-144. IEEE, (2007)