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Generating random connected planar graphs.. GeoInformatica, 22 (4): 767-782 (2018)Random effects specifications in eigenvector spatial filtering: a simulation study., и . J. Geogr. Syst., 17 (4): 311-331 (2015)Uncertainty and context in GIScience and geography: challenges in the era of geospatial big data., , и . Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci., 33 (6): 1131-1134 (2019)A Multilevel Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Model of House Prices: A Case Study of House Sales in Fairfax County, Virginia., , и . ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf., 8 (11): 508 (2019)Computational Simplifications Needed for Efficient Implementation of Spatial Statistical Techniques in a GIS., и . Ann. GIS, 5 (2): 97-105 (1999)Positive spatial autocorrelation, mixture distributions, and geospatial data histograms.. ICSDM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2011)Deriving Space-Time Variograms from Space-Time Autoregressive (STAR) Model Specifications., и . SDH, стр. 3-12. Springer, (2010)Decomposing Malaria Mosquito Aquatic Habitat Data into Spatial Autocorrelation Eigenvectors in a SAS/GIS® Module., , и . Trans. GIS, 12 (3): 341-364 (2008)Modeling spatial autocorrelation in spatial interaction data: empirical evidence from 2002 Germany journey-to-work flows.. J. Geogr. Syst., 11 (2): 117-140 (2009)Distributional properties of georeferenced random variables based on the eigenfunction spatial filter.. J. Geogr. Syst., 6 (3): 263-288 (2004)