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Adaptive nonlinear equalizer with reduced computational complexity, , и . Signal Processing, 47 (3): 307--317 (декабря 1995)RFID Privacy Protection Scheme for Secure Ubiquitous Computing., , и . IWRT, стр. 117-124. INSTICC PRESS, (2007)New S/Key System against Dictionary Attack: A Case Study in Casper and CSP/FDR., и . VVEIS, стр. 75-77. INSTICC Press, (2004)Feature Extraction Using Class-Augmented Principal Component Analysis (CA-PCA)., , и . ICANN (2), том 4132 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 606-615. Springer, (2006)Robust and fast moving object detection in a non-stationary camera via foreground probability based sampling., и . ICIP, стр. 4897-4901. IEEE, (2015)A behavior combination generating method for reflecting emotional probabilities using simulated annealing algorithm., , , и . RO-MAN, стр. 192-197. IEEE, (2011)Automatic Visual Data Management System., , , и . ICEC, том 3166 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 579-585. Springer, (2004)Density-Aware Pedestrian Proposal Networks for Robust People Detection in Crowded Scenes., , , и . ECCV Workshops (2), том 9914 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 643-654. (2016)Is a False Positive really False Positive?, , и . ICACT, стр. 145-149. IEEE, (2021)Is a False Positive really False Positive?, , и . ICACT, стр. 145-149. IEEE, (2022)