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What is different about embedded optimization?, , и . ECC, стр. 600. IEEE, (2016)Fault-tolerant control of a ship propulsion system using model predictive control., и . ECC, стр. 4602-4607. IEEE, (1999)Robustly stable feedback min-max model predictive control., и . ACC, стр. 3490-3495. IEEE, (2003)Preconditioners for inexact interior point methods for predictive control., , и . ACC, стр. 5714-5719. IEEE, (2010)Reachability computations for constrained discrete-time systems with state-and input-dependent disturbances., , и . CDC, стр. 3905-3910. IEEE, (2003)An ISS and l-stability approach to forward error analysis of iterative numerical algorithms., , и . CDC, стр. 780-785. IEEE, (2010)Robust feasibility in model predictive control: necessary and sufficient conditions., и . CDC, стр. 728-733. IEEE, (2001)An Integral Penalty-Barrier Direct Transcription Method for Optimal Control., и . CDC, стр. 456-463. IEEE, (2020)A floating-point solver for band structured linear equations., , и . FPT, стр. 353-356. IEEE, (2008)Model reduction of homogeneous-in-the-state bilinear systems with input constraints., , и . ACC, стр. 2718-2723. IEEE, (2010)