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Distance estimates for dependent superpositions of point processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 115 (11): 1819--1837 (ноября 2005)Location Problems with Cutoff., , и . Asia Pac. J. Oper. Res., 40 (3): 2250045:1-2250045:33 (июня 2023)Rate-Distortion Theory of Finite Point Processes., , и . CoRR, (2017)On ANOVA Decompositions of Kernels and Gaussian Random Field Paths., , , , и . MCQMC, том 163 из Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, стр. 315-330. Springer, (2014)Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of a Log-Concave Density based on Censored Data, , и . Electronic Journal of Statistics, (2014)Wireless network signals with moderately correlated shadowing still appear Poisson., и . CoRR, (2016)On performance evaluation of multi-object filters., , и . FUSION, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2008)Consistency of Multivariate Log-Concave Density Estimators, и . Statist. Prob. Letters, 80 (5-6): 376-380 (2010)Multivariate Log-Concave Distributions as a Nearly Parametric Model, , и . Statistics & Risk Modeling, 28 (3): 277-295 (2011)Stochastic search for semiparametric linear regression models, , и . From Probability to Statistics and Back: High-Dimensional Models and Processes. A Festschrift in Honor of Jon Wellner, том 9 из IMS Collections, стр. 78-90. Hayward, California, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, (2013)