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An extensible framework for variable-precision data-flow analyses in MPS., , , и . ASE, стр. 870-875. ACM, (2016)Scalable incremental building with dynamic task dependencies., , и . ASE, стр. 76-86. ACM, (2018)On Solving Solved Problems.. Eelco Visser Commemorative Symposium, том 109 из OASIcs, стр. 10:1-10:6. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2023)Capture-Avoiding Program Transformations with name-fix., , и . Software Engineering & Management, том P-239 из LNI, стр. 93-94. GI, (2015)Language-integrated privacy-aware distributed queries., , , , , и . Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 3 (OOPSLA): 167:1-167:30 (2019)A systematic approach to deriving incremental type checkers., , и . Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 4 (OOPSLA): 127:1-127:28 (2020)Principled syntactic code completion using placeholders., , , и . SLE, стр. 163-175. ACM, (2016)Toward incremental type checking for Java., , и . SPLASH (Companion Volume), стр. 46-47. ACM, (2015)A sound and optimal incremental build system with dynamic dependencies., , и . OOPSLA, стр. 89-106. ACM, (2015)Type systems for the masses: deriving soundness proofs and efficient checkers., , , и . Onward!, стр. 137-150. ACM, (2015)