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Building pair-wise visual word tree for efficent image re-ranking., , , , and . ICASSP, page 794-797. IEEE, (2010)Efficient lp-norm multiple feature metric learning for image categorization., , , and . CIKM, page 2077-2080. ACM, (2011)Content-based intelligent video recorder with its implementation on sports video., , and . ICIMCS, page 197-202. ACM, (2011)Visual ContextRank for web image re-ranking., , , , and . LS-MMRM@ACM Multimedia, page 121-128. ACM, (2009)HSCS: Hierarchical Sparsity Based Co-saliency Detection for RGBD Images., , , , , and . CoRR, (2018)A Scheme for Ball Detection and Tracking in Broadcast Soccer Video., , , and . PCM (1), volume 3767 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 864-875. Springer, (2005)Self-calibration Based 3D Information Extraction and Application in Broadcast Soccer Video., , , and . ACCV (2), volume 3852 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 852-861. Springer, (2006)Object tracking using incremental 2D-LDA learning and Bayes inference., , , , and . ICIP, page 1568-1571. IEEE, (2008)Monocular Tracking 3D People By Gaussian Process Spatio-Temporal Variable Model., , , , and . ICIP (5), page 41-44. IEEE, (2007)Robust copy detection by mining temporal self-similarities., , and . ICME, page 554-557. IEEE, (2009)