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Prediction of Cancellation Probability of Online Car-Hailing Orders Based on Multi-source Heterogeneous Data Fusion.

, , , , , and . WASA (2), volume 13472 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 168-180. Springer, (2022)

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Prediction of Cancellation Probability of Online Car-Hailing Orders Based on Multi-source Heterogeneous Data Fusion., , , , , and . WASA (2), volume 13472 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 168-180. Springer, (2022)Neighbor-Discovery Recurrent Model for Point-of-Interest Recommendation., , , and . ICBDT, page 52-59. ACM, (2023)Marine Predators Algorithm with Stage-Based Repairment for the Green Supply Network Design., , , , and . ChineseCSCW (1), volume 1491 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 243-258. Springer, (2021)NSLS with the Clustering-Based Entropy Selection for Many-Objective Optimization Problems., , and . ICIC (1), volume 13393 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 68-79. Springer, (2022)Optimization of spatial-temporal graph: A taxi demand forecasting model based on spatial-temporal tree., , , , and . Inf. Fusion, (April 2024)