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Systemview Design Considerations for a Real-Time Performance Management Application.. Int. CMG Conference, стр. 186-192. Computer Measurement Group, (1992)Experimental Design and Computer Performance Analysis.. Int. CMG Conference, стр. 1100-1110. Computer Measurement Group, (1992)Estimating the Utilization of Shared DASD: A Performance Management Perspective., и . Int. CMG Conference, стр. 525-536. Computer Measurement Group, (1989)Analyzing VM Performance: A Worksheet Based Approach., и . Int. CMG Conference, стр. 227-238. Computer Measurement Group, (1988)An Approach to Detecting Changes in the Factors Affecting the Performance of Computer Systems., и . SIGMETRICS, стр. 39-49. ACM, (1991)Characterizing and Interpreting Periodic Behavior in Computer Systems., и . Int. CMG Conference, стр. 902-913. Computer Measurement Group, (1997)Enhanced Environments: Large Scale, Real-Time Ecosystems., , и . Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ., 11 (3): 221-246 (2002)Choosing a Service Level Indicator - Why not Queue Length?, , и . Int. CMG Conference, стр. 404-413. Computer Measurement Group, (1991)A unifying approach to performance analysis in the Java environment., , , и . IBM Syst. J., 39 (1): 118-134 (2000)AC strength of a pattern generator., и . J. Electron. Test., 3 (2): 119-125 (1992)