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Intention Reconcilation in the Context of Teamwork: An Initial Empirical Investigation., , , и . CIA, том 1652 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 149-162. Springer, (1999)Tickets and Currencies Revisited: Extensions to Multi-Resouce Lottery Scheduling., , и . Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, стр. 148-152. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)A data-centric introduction to computer science for non-majors.. SIGCSE, стр. 71-76. ACM, (2013)Using probabilistic reasoning to automate software tuning., , и . SIGMETRICS, стр. 404-405. ACM, (2004)Isolation with Flexibility: A Resource Management Framework for Central Servers., и . USENIX ATC, General Track, стр. 337-350. USENIX, (2000)Intention Reconciliation by Collaborative Agents., , и . ICMAS, стр. 293-300. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)