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Efficiency analysis of model-based review in actual software design., , и . ICSE, стр. 604-607. ACM, (2006)Clustering as average entropy minimization and its application to structure analysis of complex systems.. SMC, стр. 2408-2414. IEEE, (2001)Image Coding for Machines with Edge Information Learning Using Segment Anything., , , и . CoRR, (2024)Motion Planning and Control for a Robot Performer., , , и . ICRA (3), стр. 925-931. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1993)Bit allocation and rate control based on human visual sensitivity for interframe coders., и . ICASSP, стр. 521-524. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Automatic two-layer video object plane generation scheme and its application to MPEG-4 video coding., , , и . ISCAS, стр. 606-609. IEEE, (2000)Study on Improvement of Estimation Accuracy in Pose Estimation Model Using Time Series Correlation., , и . GCCE, стр. 409-412. IEEE, (2020)Pitching Motion Matching Based on Pose Similarity Using Dynamic Time Warping., , и . GCCE, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2020)BigWavGAN: A Wave-To-Wave Generative Adversarial Network for Music Super-Resolution., и . GCCE, стр. 593-597. IEEE, (2023)Creation of 3D Environmental Map using Omnidirectional Camera Images., , и . GCCE, стр. 450-453. IEEE, (2021)