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Mining the student programming performance using rough set., , , and . ISKE, page 478-483. IEEE, (2010)Image Retrieval based on color and texture features., , and . FSKD, page 1816-1819. IEEE, (2012)Improving the Life Span of IoT Sensor Devices Using Smart Packet Filtration Algorithm., , , , , and . TCCE, page 359-367. (2021)Ensemble classification of cyber space users tendency in blog writing using random forest., , and . IIT, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Social Group Optimization Based Cluster Head Identification in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks., , , , , , and . ICFNDS, page 750-754. ACM, (2021)Image contrast enhancement for outdoor machine vision applications., , , and . SoCPaR, page 377-383. IEEE, (2013)A Systematic Review of Augmented Reality in Multimedia Learning Outcomes in Education., , , , and . IHCI (2), volume 12616 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 63-72. Springer, (2020)Elderly Care Monitoring System with IoT Application., , , , and . ICITAM, volume 863 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, page 525-537. Springer, (2019)The Preferable Test Documentation Using IEEE 829., , and . ICSECS (3), volume 181 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 109-118. Springer, (2011)Preliminary Design of a Dual-Sensor Based Sign Language Translator Device., , , , , and . SCDM, volume 700 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 353-362. Springer, (2018)