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Predictive monitoring with uncertainty for deep learning enabled smart cities: poster abstract., , , и . SenSys, стр. 711-712. ACM, (2020)Simulating Conflict Detection in Heterogeneous Services of a Smart City: Demo Abstract., , и . IoTDI, стр. 275-276. ACM, (2017)A smart city simulation platform with uncertainty., , и . ICCPS, стр. 229-230. ACM, (2021)STLnet: Signal Temporal Logic Enforced Multivariate Recurrent Neural Networks., , , и . NeurIPS, (2020)CitySpec: An Intelligent Assistant System for Requirement Specification in Smart Cities., , , , , и . SMARTCOMP, стр. 32-39. IEEE, (2022)SaSTL: Spatial Aggregation Signal Temporal Logic for Runtime Monitoring in Smart Cities., , , , и . ICCPS, стр. 51-62. IEEE, (2020)Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Guided by Signal Temporal Logic Specifications., , , , , , , и . CoRR, (2023)ViFin: Harness Passive Vibration to Continuous Micro Finger Writing with a Commodity Smartwatch., , , , , и . Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., 5 (1): 45:1-45:25 (2021)Toward Formal Methods for Smart Cities., , и . Computer, 54 (9): 39-48 (2021)Fairguard: Harness Logic-based Fairness Rules in Smart Cities., , , , и . IoTDI, стр. 105-116. ACM, (2023)