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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Composing For Improvisation with Chaotic Oscillators.. NIME, Seite 94-99., (2010)Pocket Gamelan: a J2ME environment for just intonation., , und . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2004)Parapraxis: Towards Genuine Realtime 'Audiopoetry'., und . NIME, Seite 467-468., (2010)'I & I, ' a new piece for the AirSticks: a new interface for electronic percussionists., , und . Creativity & Cognition, Seite 394-395. ACM, (2013)Metris: A Game Environment for Music Performance., und . CMMR, Volume 3902 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 101-109. Springer, (2005)Pocket gamelan: developing the instrumentarium for an extended harmonic universe., , , und . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2003)Pocket Gamelan: a Blueprint for Performance using Wireless Devices., und . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2005)Implementation of a haptic musical instrument using multi-signal fusion for force sensing without additional force sensors., , und . IROS, Seite 3949-3954. IEEE, (2012)Pocket Gamelan: a Pure Data interface for mobile phones, und . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Seite 156--159. National University of Singapore, (2005)Pocket Gamelan: mobile media for microtonal performance., und . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2006)