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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Two-sided Adverse Selection and Bilateral Reviews in the Sharing Economy., , und . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2019)Two-Sided Sharing Platforms: Sell Upfront Subscriptions or Not?, , und . HICSS, Seite 3537-3546. ScholarSpace, (2023)The critical elements of patch management., und . SIGUCCS, Seite 98-101. ACM, (2005)Outsourcing Information Security: Contracting Issues and Security Implications., , und . WEIS, (2010)Should Firms Bundle Bloatware with Consumer Electronics? - Implications for Product Pricing and Consumer Surplus., , und . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2015)Bloatware and Jailbreaking: Strategic Impacts of Consumer-Initiated Modification of Technology Products., , und . Inf. Syst. Res., 31 (1): 240-257 (2020)Selecting a Customization Strategy Under Competition: Mass Customization, Targeted Mass Customization, and Product Proliferation., , und . IEEE Trans. Engineering Management, 54 (1): 12-28 (2007)Can Gamification Motivate Voluntary Contributions?: The Case of StackOverflow Q&A Community., , und . CSCW Companion, Seite 171-174. ACM, (2015)Special Issue: Immersive Systems., , und . J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 36 (3): 680-682 (2019)The critical elements of the patch management process., und . Commun. ACM, 52 (8): 117-121 (2009)