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State Primitive Learning to Overcome Catastrophic Forgetting in Robotics., , , , and . Cogn. Comput., 13 (2): 394-402 (2021)Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting with Self-adaptive Identifiers., , and . ICONIP (3), volume 11303 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 497-505. Springer, (2018)Learning Transferable Policies with Improved Graph Neural Networks on Serial Robotic Structure., , , and . ICONIP (3), volume 11955 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 115-126. Springer, (2019)Rethinking Long Context Generation from the Continual Learning Perspective., , , and . COLING, page 1922-1933. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2025)CurBench: Curriculum Learning Benchmark., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). ICML,, (2024)Intra-domain Knowledge Generalization in Cross-Domain Lifelong Reinforcement Learning., , and . ICONIP (5), volume 1333 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 386-394. Springer, (2020)Two-Policy Cooperative Transfer for Alleviation of Sim-to-Real Gap., , and . ICAIIC, page 156-161. IEEE, (2022)ATF: Towards Robust Face Alignment via Leveraging Similarity and Diversity across Different Datasets., , , , and . ACM Multimedia, page 2140-2148. ACM, (2020)Safety-based Reinforcement Learning Longitudinal Decision for Autonomous Driving in Crosswalk Scenarios., , , , and . IJCNN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2022)Towards Unified Alignment Between Agents, Humans, and Environment., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). CoRR, (2024)