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A Fourth-Order Compact Finite Difference Scheme for Solving a 1-D Pennes' Bioheat Transfer Equation in a Uniform Tissue.

, , , and . METMBS, page 336-339. CSREA Press, (2003)

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UML-based Beowulf Cluster Availability Modeling., , , , , and . Software Engineering Research and Practice, page 161-167. CSREA Press, (2005)A light-weight solution for large sparse Markov processes., , and . ACM Southeast Regional Conference (1), page 126-130. ACM, (2005)High Performance Computing Systems with Various Checkpointing Schemes., , , , and . Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control, 4 (4): 386-400 (2009)Availability Modeling and Evaluation on High Performance Cluster Computing Systems., , and . J. Res. Pract. Inf. Technol., 38 (4): 317-336 (2006)A reliability-aware approach for an optimal checkpoint/restart model in HPC environments., , , , , and . CLUSTER, page 452-457. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)An optimal checkpoint/restart model for a large scale high performance computing system., , , , , and . IPDPS, page 1-9. IEEE, (2008)A Reliability Model for Cloud Computing for High Performance Computing Applications., , , and . Euro-Par Workshops, volume 7640 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 474-483. Springer, (2012)Domain Decomposition Method for Solving Three-Dimensional Parabolic Differential Equations Arising in Thermal Analysis in X-Ray Lithography., , and . PPSC, SIAM, (1997)Reliability-Aware Approach: An Incremental Checkpoint/Restart Model in HPC Environments., , , , , and . CCGRID, page 783-788. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Availability Modeling and Analysis on High Performance Cluster Computing Systems., , and . ARES, page 305-313. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)