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RiverGame - a game testing tool using artificial intelligence., , and . ICST, page 422-432. IEEE, (2022)Adaptive Questionnaire Design Using AI Agents for People Profiling., , and . ICAART (3), page 633-640. SCITEPRESS, (2024)Towards automated testing of RPA implementations., , and . A-TEST@ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, page 21-24. ACM, (2020)Optimizing decision making in concolic execution using reinforcement learning., , and . ICST Workshops, page 52-61. IEEE, (2020)Traffic Light Control using Reinforcement Learning: A Survey and an Open Source Implementation., , and . VEHITS, page 69-79. SCITEPRESS, (2022)Robotic Process Automation for the Gaming Industry., , and . ICSOFT, page 37-45. SCITEPRESS, (2023)Identity Management on Blockchain - Privacy and Security Aspects., , and . CoRR, (2020)EvoBA: An Evolution Strategy as a Strong Baseline for Black-Box Adversarial Attacks., , and . ICONIP (3), volume 13110 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 188-200. Springer, (2021)Enhancing User Experience in Games with Large Language Models., , and . ICSOFT, page 293-304. SCITEPRESS, (2024)Blockchain for Artificial Intelligence: An Industry and Literature Survey., , and . ICSOFT, page 712-719. SCITEPRESS, (2023)