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A common data architecture for energy data analytics., , , , , и . SmartGridComm, стр. 417-422. IEEE, (2017)Propagation of trust and distrust., , , и . WWW, стр. 403-412. ACM, (2004)Ideas that Shaped the Web.. IICAI, стр. 1. IICAI, (2009)User Modeling for a Personal Assistant., , , и . WSDM, стр. 275-284. ACM, (2015)User Ratings of Ontologies: Who Will Rate the Raters?, , и . AAAI Spring Symposium: Knowledge Collection from Volunteer Contributors, стр. 56-63. AAAI, (2005)LBase: Semantics for Languages of the Semantic Web, и . World Wide Web Consortium, Note NOTE-lbase-20031010, (октября 2003)Varieties of Contexts., и . CONTEXT, том 2680 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 164-177. Springer, (2003)Enabling Inferencing., , , и . QL, W3C, (1998)DataCommons.. IEEE BigData, стр. 1. IEEE, (2019) Evolution of Structured Data on the Web., , и . ACM Queue, 13 (9): 10 (2015)