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Other publications of authors with the same name

Education versus cash redistribution : The lifetime context. Journal of Public Economics, 12 (3): 377--385 (December 1979)The unemployment crisis, , and . Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford u.a., Reprinted edition, (1995)How to beat unemployment. Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1986)Introduction, and . European Economic Review, 31 (1-2): 285--287 (00 1987)Wage rigidity and unemployment in OECD countries, , and . European Economic Review, 21 (1-2): 11--39 (00 1983)UK unemployment, and . Studies in the UK economy Heinemann, Oxford u.a., 2. ed edition, (1993)Unemployment, , and . Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford u.a., 2. ed., reissue with new introd. edition, (2005)Die glückliche Gesellschaft. Campus-Verl., Frankfurt/Main u.a., (2005)"Kämpfen wir für's Glück", and . ZEIT Wissen,   (5): 92-94 (2011)Happiness. Penguin Press, New York, (2005)