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Adaptive channel control scheme to reduce channel zapping time of mobile IPTV service., and . IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 57 (2): 357-365 (2011)Computation Offloading with Reinforcement Learning for Improving QoS in Edge Computing Environments., and . WF-IoT, page 1-6. IEEE, (2022)Greedy-Based Edge Collaboration Scheme for Improving Quality of Experience., and . ICTC, page 126-130. IEEE, (2021)GCN-based Semantic Relation Network for Few-Shot Object Detection., , and . ICTC, page 1689-1693. IEEE, (2022)BEST: Buffer-Driven Efficient Streaming Protocol., , , , and . ICCSA (4), volume 3483 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1231-1240. Springer, (2005)Reinforcement Learning-Based HTTP Adaptive Streaming Scheme in Edge Computing Environments., and . ANT/EDI40, volume 201 of Procedia Computer Science, page 8-15. Elsevier, (2022)Video quality adaptation scheme for improving QoE in HTTP adaptive streaming., , and . ICOIN, page 201-205. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Dynamic segment duration control for live streaming over HTTP., and . ICOIN, page 206-210. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Efficient Bandwidth Estimation for HTTP adaptive streaming., , and . ICOIN, page 464-468. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Implementation of Third Party Based Call Control Using Parlay Network API in SIP Environment., , , and . ICOIN, volume 2662 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 416-425. Springer, (2003)