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Design and analysis of a piezostack driven jetting dispenser for high viscosity adhesives., , , , и . AIM, стр. 227-232. IEEE, (2014)Addressing With an Improved DAD for 6LoWPAN., , и . IEEE Communications Letters, 20 (1): 73-76 (2016)An MRF-Based Intention Recognition Framework for WMRA with Selected Objects as Contextual Clues., , , и . ICIRA (3), том 13015 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 345-356. Springer, (2021)Joint Coordinate Regression and Association For Multi-Person Pose Estimation, A Pure Neural Network Approach., , , , и . CoRR, (2023)Best First Over-Sampling for Multilabel Classification., , , , , и . CIKM, стр. 1803-1806. ACM, (2015)WMRA skill learning through segmentation of demonstration., , , , и . ICARM, стр. 540-545. IEEE, (2017)Research on preparation device for washing red cell., , и . Int. J. Model. Identif. Control., 7 (1): 75-79 (2009)Joint Coordinate Regression and Association For Multi-Person Pose Estimation, A Pure Neural Network Approach., , , , и . MMAsia, стр. 13:1-13:8. ACM, (2023)Estimation of Tibiofemoral Joint Contact Forces Using Foot Loads during Continuous Passive Motions., , , , и . Sensors, 22 (13): 4947 (2022)Acetylation of metabolic enzymes coordinates carbon source utilization and metabolic flux., , , , , , , , , и 6 other автор(ы). Science (New York, N.Y.), 327 (5968): 1004--1007 (19.02.2010)