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Learning Genetic Representations for Classes of Real-Valued Optimization Problems., и . GECCO (Companion), стр. 1075-1082. ACM, (2015)Applying price's equation to survival selection., , и . GECCO, стр. 1371-1378. ACM, (2005)Visualizing evolvability with Price's equation., , и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 2785-2790. IEEE, (2003)Evolving Behaviors for Cooperating Agents., и . ISMIS, том 1932 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 157-165. Springer, (2000)Multi-Objective Hyperparameter Optimization for Spiking Neural Network Neuroevolution., , , , , и . CEC, стр. 1225-1232. IEEE, (2021)Evolving Larger Convolutional Layer Kernel Sizes for a Settlement Detection Deep-Learner on Summit., , , и . DLS@SC, стр. 36-44. IEEE, (2019)A new methodology for the GP theory toolbox., , и . GECCO, стр. 719-726. ACM, (2012)Library for evolutionary algorithms in Python (LEAP)., , и . GECCO Companion, стр. 1571-1579. ACM, (2020)Looking Under the EA Hood with Price's Equation., , и . GECCO (1), том 3102 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 914-922. Springer, (2004)The relationship between evolvability and bloat., , и . GECCO, стр. 1899-1900. ACM, (2009)