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Multiplicative models for interaction in three-way ANOVA, with applications to plant breeding

, and . Biometrics, (1998)

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Converging perceptions of economic activities between East and West: A three-mode principal component analysis., , and . Research Report, R9519/A. Rotterdam Institute for Business Economic Studies, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, (1995)Group and individual implicit theories of personality: An application of three-mode principal component analysis, and . Multivariate Behavioral Research, (1982)Implicit theories of personality: Further evidence of extreme response style, , and . Multivariate Behavioral Research, (1985)Gram-Schmidt versus Bauer-Rutishauser in alternating least-squares algorithms for three-mode principal component analysis, , , and . Computational Statistics Quarterly, (1989)Rules in context. A three-mode principal component analysis of Mann et al.'s data on cross-cultural differences in respect for others, and . Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, (1997)Classifying infants in the Strange Situation with three-way mixture method clustering, , and . British Journal of Psychology, (1995)Multiplicatieve decompositie van interacties bij oordelen over de werkelijkheidswaarde van televisiefilms, and . Kwantitatieve Methoden, (1987)Aspects of genotype-environment interactions for several attributes.. (17-19 July 1989a)Individual differences and segment interactions in throwing, , and . Human Movement Journal, (1991)An investigation of multi-attribute genotype response across environments using three-mode principal component analysis, and . Euphytica, (1989)