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A methodology to evaluate creative design methods: a study with the BadIdeas method., и . OZCHI, стр. 264-271. ACM, (2010)ExpECT: an expanded error categorisation method for text input., , , и . BCS HCI (1), стр. 147-156. BCS, (2007)What you see is what you worry about: errors -- real and imagined.. BCS HCI (2), стр. 79-82. BCS, (2008)Text input error categorisation: solving character level insertion ambiguities using Zero Time analysis., и . BCS HCI, стр. 293-302. ACM, (2009)Under my pillow: designing security for children's special things., и . BCS HCI, стр. 288-292. ACM, (2009)The nature of child computer interaction., и . BCS HCI, стр. 163-170. ACM, (2011)Where HCI meets ACI., , , , , и . NordiCHI, стр. 136. ACM, (2016)Creating a Framework to Support the Critical Consideration of Dark Design Aspects in Free-to-Play Apps., и . IDC, стр. 407-418. ACM, (2019)Experience Focused Requirements Gathering with Children and Young People - Balancing Player, Learner and User (PLU) Requirement Needs., и . UsARE (Revised Selected Papers), том 9312 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 62-76. Springer, (2014)Causes of Simultaneous Keystrokes in Children and Adults., и . INTERACT (1), том 5726 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 137-140. Springer, (2009)