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Liberalisierung des japanischen Kapitalmarktes und japanisches Bankmanagement. Konstanzer Universitätsreden Univ.-Verl., Konstanz, (1987)A design and feasibility study of reactions comprising DNA molecular machine that walks autonomously by using a restriction enzyme., , , и . Nat. Comput., 7 (3): 303-315 (2008)A System for Generating Audio Influenced by Audience Evaluation Using Interactive Genetic Algorithm., , , и . JSAI, том 1357 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 208-215. Springer, (2020)Aqueous Solutions of Algorithmic Problems: Emphasizing Knights on a 3 x 3., , , , и . DNA, том 2340 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 191-202. Springer, (2001)Cascading Whiplash PCR with a Nicking Enzyme., и . DNA, том 2568 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 38-46. Springer, (2002)Cascading DNA Generation Reaction for Controlling DNA Nanomachines at a Physiological Temperature., и . New Generation Comput., 33 (3): 213-229 (2015)Self-Organizing Formation Algorithm for Active Elements., , , и . SRDS, стр. 416-. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Two-stage Attention-based Fusion Neural Network for Image-Text Sentiment Classification., и . IVSP, стр. 1-7. ACM, (2022)DNA computation simulator based on abstract bases., , и . Soft Comput., 5 (1): 25-38 (2001)A Genetic Algorithm without Parameters Tuning and its Application on the Floorplan Design Problem, и . Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 1, стр. 620--627. Orlando, Florida, USA, Morgan Kaufmann, (13-17 July 1999)