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Content-based video retrieval integrating human perception., , и . Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases, том 4315 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 562-570. SPIE, (2001)Popular music retrieval by detecting mood., , и . SIGIR, стр. 375-376. ACM, (2003)Task-driven Visual Saliency and Attention-based Visual Question Answering., , , и . CoRR, (2017)Hypergraph Spectral Hashing for image retrieval with heterogeneous social contexts., , , , и . Neurocomputing, (2013)A hierarchical approach: query large music database by acoustic input., , и . SIGIR, стр. 441-442. ACM, (2002)Learning Max-Margin GeoSocial Multimedia Network Representations for Point-of-Interest Suggestion., , , , , , и . SIGIR, стр. 833-836. ACM, (2017)ENCORE: External Neural Constraints Regularized Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction., , , , , и . SIGIR, стр. 1113-1116. ACM, (2017)Cross-media semantic representation via bi-directional learning to rank., , , , , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 877-886. ACM, (2013)Visual Verification of Historical Chinese Calligraphy Works., и . MMM (1), том 4351 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 354-363. Springer, (2007)Personalized Multimedia Retrieval in CADAL Digital Library., , и . PCM, том 5353 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 703-712. Springer, (2008)