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Price stabilization as a bonding mechanism in new equity issues, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 42 (2): 223--255 (октября 1996)What's special about the specialist?, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 32 (1): 61--86 (августа 1992)Who benefits from secondary market price stabilization of IOPs?, , и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 22 (6-8): 741--767 (августа 1998)Securitization with recourse : An instrument that offers uninsured bank depositors sequential claims, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 11 (3): 403--424 (сентября 1987)The option to withdraw IPOs during the premarket: empirical analysis, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 60 (1): 73--102 (апреля 2001)A comparative analysis of IPO proceeds under alternative regulatory environments, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 28 (1-2): 173--207 (00 1990)How investment bankers determine the offer price and allocation of new issues, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 24 (2): 343--361 (1989)