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Other publications of authors with the same name

Sama: A Scalable Group Communication Mechanism for Mobile Agents., and . SNPD, page 504-511. ACIS, (2003)Subscription Subsumption Evaluation for Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems., , , and . Middleware, volume 5346 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 62-81. Springer, (2008)Design and Implementation of a Middleware for Sentient Spaces., , , , , , , and . ISI, page 137-144. IEEE, (2007)Dynamic Load Balancing for Cluster-Based Publish/Subscribe System., , and . SAINT, page 57-63. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)KSQL: Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka., and . EDBT, page 524-533., (2019)Transactional Replication in Hybrid Data Store Architectures., , and . EDBT, page 569-580., (2015)Quantcast File System (QFS).. CIDR,, (2013)Improving Sama Group Communication Mechanism for Mobile Agents via a Hop-Ring Protocol., , and . International Conference on Internet Computing, page 157-163. CSREA Press, (2005)MICS: an efficient content space representation model for publish/subscribe systems., , , and . DEBS, ACM, (2009)A Fast Group Communication Mechanism for Large Scale Distributed Objects., and . OTM Workshops, volume 2889 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1036-1044. Springer, (2003)