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Model comparison with GenericDiff.. ASE, стр. 135-138. ACM, (2010)Know-How in Programming Tasks: From Textual Tutorials to Task-Oriented Knowledge Graph., , , , , и . ICSME, стр. 257-268. IEEE, (2019)Data-mining in Support of Detecting Class Co-evolution., и . SEKE, стр. 123-128. (2004)APIReal: an API recognition and linking approach for online developer forums., , , и . Empirical Software Engineering, 23 (6): 3129-3160 (2018)UMLDiff: an algorithm for object-oriented design differencing., и . ASE, стр. 54-65. ACM, (2005)Enhancing Knowledge Sharing in Stack Overflow via Automatic External Web Resources Linking., , , , и . ICECCS, стр. 90-99. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Monitoring Software Quality Evolution by Analyzing Deviation Trends of Modularity Views., , , , и . WCRE, стр. 229-238. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Supporting exploratory code search with differencing and visualization., , , , , и . SANER, стр. 300-310. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Software-Specific Named Entity Recognition in Software Engineering Social Content., , , , , и . SANER, стр. 90-101. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)scvRipper: Video Scraping Tool for Modeling Developers' Behavior Using Interaction Data., , , , и . ICSE (2), стр. 673-676. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)ISBN 978-1-4799-1934-5 (Vol. I + II ???).