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Logistics planning under uncertainty for disposition of radioactive wastes., , , , , and . Comput. Oper. Res., (2006)Machine responsibility-how to deal with it., and . EDOC, page 48-56. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Workshop on ODP for Enterprise Computing (WODPEC 2006)., , , and . EDOC Workshops, page 70. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Business Modelling for Component Systems with UML., , , and . EDOC, page 120-131. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Rapid, Unambiguous Polymer Characterization by Flow-Referenced Capillary Viscometry., , , and . SIAM J. Appl. Math., 62 (5): 1657-1676 (2002)Computer output to microfilm., , , , and . AFIPS National Computer Conference, volume 43 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings, page 985. AFIPS Press, (1974)ODP and C3I Systems., and . Open Distributed Processing, volume C-1 of IFIP Transactions, page 365-370. North-Holland, (1991)Ab Initio Calculations of EPR Parameters with Strong Vibronic Interactions., , , , , , , , , and . Acta Chemica Scandinavica, (1997)