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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Non-negative Dictionary-Learning Algorithm for the Analysis Model Based on L1 Norm., , , und . IIAI-AAI, Seite 495-499. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Key frame extraction from first-person video with multi-sensor integration., , , , und . ICME, Seite 1303-1308. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Underwater optical image dehazing using guided trigonometric bilateral filtering., , , , , und . ISCAS, Seite 2147-2150. IEEE, (2013)Analysis dictionary learning based on summation of blocked determinants measure of sparseness., , und . DSP, Seite 224-228. IEEE, (2015)A dictionary-learning algorithm for the analysis sparse model with a determinant-type of sparsity measure., , und . DSP, Seite 152-156. IEEE, (2014)Analysis of Rehabilitation Methods for Small Dogs Based on the Muscular Activity., , , , , , , und . ISIE, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2023)Vehicle Platooning Algorithm for Improving Following Control., und . ICOIN, Seite 530-533. IEEE, (2023)Image restoration using anisotropic multivariate shrinkage function in contourlet domain., , , und . Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng., 12 (2/3): 95-103 (2016)A DCA-based sparse coding for video summarization with MCP., , , und . IET Image Process., 17 (5): 1564-1577 (April 2023)An $\ell_1/2$ -Norm Regularizer-Based Sparse Coding Framework for Gaze Prediction in First-Person Videos., , und . IEEE Access, (2019)